Pedigree štenaca
Vratila se kući naša Desert Rose Aithusa
Nakon skoro godinu dana treninga u Italiji stigla je ponovno kući naša mala Desert Rose. Veselimo se zajedničkom lovu na tartufe i dugim šetnjama šumama Turopolja i okolice...
13.06.2010.-25.03.2024. will be always in our hearts, forever. Thank you for choosing us, we are honoured to be your family.
Until we meet again...wait on the gate as you did every day till the last step.
Run free girl, run free on big sky fields !
☆White Maple Cross Personally To Aithusa "Lotta" in open class won
1.exc., CAC, BOB and #2BOG
breeder and co-owner Anita Ács
☆Epicyon Honey "Hani" in junior class
1.exc., CAC, JBOB and BOB
breeder and co-owner Ana Jurković
Good job girls 🏆
Thank you Kristina for beeing owner that every breeder dream for 💞.
Her dogs never knew she was royalty and just loved her as their cherished owner.
Thank you Your Majesty, for your love and support of pedigree dogs.
Debitants in showing today on Velika Gorica Trophy CAC dogs show won:
Australian shepard
Epicyon Honey "Hani" (3 months old) was very promising in baby class
Breeder and coowner: Ana Jurković
English Cocker Spaniel
White Maple Cross Personally to Aithusa "Lotta" ( 10 months old) was Best female in junior class
Breeder: Anita Acs
Great job girls❤️💕🎊
Izložbe, izložbe…
Fantastičan uspjeh naše Princess I’m Ready To Be Aithusa na izložbama u Vukovaru i Osijeku!!!
Nočna izložba CAC Vukovar uz druženje sa prijateljima i dragim članovima obitelji i uz nešto lošije vrijeme bila je vrlo lijepo događanje, a za posebno raspoloženje pobrinula se naša princeza. Princess I’m Ready To Be Aithusa osvojila je BOB, BIG i već u kasnu noć u BIS ringu BIS 3!!!
U nama posebnom gradu i uz posebno nam drage ljude nismo mogli poželjeti više!
Presretni zahvaljujemo svim sucima koji su prepoznali kvalitetu naše Lili, gđa. Hanna Ahrens (AT) (pasminski krug), g. Andrzej Kazmiersky (PL)(grupa 8), g. Gunther Ehrenreich (Ger)(best in show).
Sljedeći dan još malo dodatnog veselja u Osijeku na internacionalnoj izložbi. Ponovno sjajan rezultat, BOB i BIG2 za našu princezu Lili.
Velika hvala prijateljima i obitelji na druženju i svakoj pomoći!
Volimo vas!